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© 2020 Cradle to Cradle NGO
Latest news
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FNR networks with ecolearn internet platform for sustainable building
We are pleased to welcome the specialist and consumer information organisation Bauen & Wohnen of the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) as a new cooperation partner.

Closing ceremony of the innovation semester
Last Friday, the Düsseldorf Chamber of Crafts and Trades hosted the ceremonial closing of the Düsseldorf Knowledge Region Innovation Semester, which included ecolearn

360° shots in the PlusEnergy house at FertighausWelt Wuppertal
Together with students, we accompanied the recordings in the passive house of the prefabricated house provider Partner-Haus as part of the innovation semester of the Düsseldorf knowledge region. Here there were

In detail: Video shoot at the ISH
On behalf of our customers, we attended the ISH 2019 in Frankfurt and focussed on innovative products. A particularly good
New educational co-operation with ZEBAU
Together with ZEBAU, ecolearn is organising a series of lectures at the IKzB in the Efficiency House Plus in Berlin over the next three months, which will

The infobase presentation at BAU 2019 was a complete success!
We spent a whole week in Munich at BAU 2019, travelling to "intelligently network" the construction industry. We would like to thank all exhibitors,

ecolearn at the symposium of the BVF e.V.
We are delighted to have been invited to this year's symposium, organised by the Bundesverband Flächenheizungen und Flächenkühlungen e. V. (BVF), which brings together companies from all over the world.

Co-operation between ecolearn and GIH
Competent energy advice lays the foundation for energy efficiency measures to realise their benefits. In order to strengthen energy consulting, ecolearn and

FNR networks with ecolearn internet platform for sustainable building
We are pleased to welcome the specialist and consumer information organisation Bauen & Wohnen of the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) as a new cooperation partner.

Closing ceremony of the innovation semester
Last Friday, the Düsseldorf Chamber of Crafts and Trades hosted the ceremonial closing of the Düsseldorf Knowledge Region Innovation Semester, which included ecolearn
ecolearn in the media
- Article "Sustainable building - knowledge networked", Ingenieurmagazin, 10/2021
- Article "Learning and networking for the future", DBZ, 07/2021
- Article "ecolearn delivers building knowledge on Cradle to Cradle", Bauelemente Bau, 10/2020
- News "ecolearn infobase uses product data with bSI UniversalTypes", ProMaterial, 08/2020
- Announcement "Cooperation ecolearn and GIH Federal Association", GIH, 10/2019
- News "FNR networks with ecolearn internet platform for sustainable building", Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR), 10/2019
- News "Further training ecolearn", Deutsche Bauzeitung, 11/2015