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Welcome to ecolearn!
Your reliable partner for digital education in the field of sustainable building for over 10 years.
In addition to certificate courses for specialist planners and energy consultants, ecolearn develops innovative e-learning formats, digital media and knowledge management solutions for companies, associations, organisations and public institutions.
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What's new at ecolearn? Stay informed with our company news! You will find all messages bundled under the menu item Latest news.

ecolearn website renewed
Company growth requires expanded range ecolearn has been offering e-learning solutions for the construction industry for around 10 years. The growing range of products and

Green heat" online training course published
Training and further education for heating installers goes digital The joint website www.grüne-wärme.info now offers online heat pump training from the German Heat Pump Association and the German Heating Pump Association.

Presentation of the infobase at the C2C Summit
Invited guests from the construction industry came together at this year's "Bau und Architektur" summit in Berlin. As part of the programme item "This is where the music of the future plays"

ecolearn website renewed
Company growth requires expanded range ecolearn has been offering e-learning solutions for the construction industry for around 10 years. The growing range of products and

Green heat" online training course published
Training and further education for heating installers goes digital The joint website www.grüne-wärme.info now offers online heat pump training from the German Heat Pump Association and the German Heating Pump Association.
Would you like to familiarise yourself with current examples of our products and services? Then take a look at our current highlights in the short portrait!
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Customer testimonials
What customers say about our products from all areas of the company:

Owner of Ingenieurbüro Ziegler, Merzig

Owner of pape oder semke ARCHITEKTURBÜRO, Detmold

Facility Management of the City of Aachen

in trinational education at the Franco-German university

EnergyAgency.NRW, Head of Energy Efficiency Services Platform
Customers and partners
A selection of our customers and partners: