Course content
Everyone is now talking about the passive house. Some people are only just hearing whispers of it, others have already had their first experiences.
From private builders to politicians, from Germany to the international construction industry - the passive house is gaining ground and there are still many myths surrounding the subject... Now that's over!
Look forward to an exciting learning module that will give you the basics you need to understand how a passive house works and how it differs from other common energy standards.
What is a passive house REALLY? Which criteria must (or should?) be met and why? And how do you plan an economical passive house?
The German Energy Agency (dena) recognises the learning module "The Passive House Standard" with 6 UE (teaching units).

Der Passivhaus-Standard (6 UE)
189,00 €
incl. 19% VAT
Learning objectives
The following learning objectives are to be achieved with this learning module:
- Knowledge of the most important backgrounds: The need for energy-efficient construction
- Ability to calculate with physical units
- Ability to differentiate between work and power and forms of energy
- Knowledge of the differences between the most common energy standards
- Knowledge of the climate-independent definition of a passive house
- Knowledge of the test criteria (mandatory criteria) for a passive house in a cool-temperate climate and the derivation of these criteria
- Know which formulas are used to calculate the annual heating requirement
- Knowledge of the factors for optimisation
- Know which planning recommendations can be used to achieve the PH criteria
- Knowledge of the quality requirements for a passive house (target criteria)
Energy transition, standards, physical basics of energy efficiency, energy standards, history and definition of the passive house, derivation of the test criteria, quality requirements, certification, adjusting screws, planning recommendations
Target group
All parties involved in construction
80 screen pages plus excursions and additional media + tools