Course content

Due to the climate targets that have been set, renewable heat generators such as pellet boilers or pellet stoves will continue to gain in importance over the next few years. Pellet heating systems make an indispensable contribution to achieving climate neutrality in the building sector.

This learning module provides you with basic knowledge about pellet firing systems in a multimedia and interactive way. In addition to the most important technical background, the advantages, economic efficiency and funding opportunities are also covered.

In addition to the learning purpose, this learning module also supports you directly in Counselling interview with customers, because you always have the most important information in the form of infographics, tools, publications, tables and guidelines directly available via separate tabs. This means you can respond quickly to pellet-related questions or any prejudices or objections your customers may have.

There is also the option of a project-related Pellet check to be carried out. By answering ten questions, you can quickly assess how suitable a pellet burner is for a particular building or customer.

The German Energy Agency (dena) recognises the learning module "Pellet firing systems in energy consulting" with 6 UE (teaching units).

Pellet firing systems in energy consulting - ML (6 UE)

141,75  - 189,00 

incl. 19% VAT

Learning objectives

The following learning objectives are to be achieved with this learning module:

  • Knowledge of the importance of pellet firing systems for climate targets in the building sector
  • Ability to calculate the economic efficiency of pellet firing systems
  • Knowledge of the advantages and common prejudices of pellet firing systems
  • Knowledge of the basics of pellet firing technology and storage
  • Knowledge of aids for counselling


Basic knowledge of forests and wood, CO2political framework conditions, market situation, economic efficiency, subsidies, pellet fuel, firing technology, storage, ventilation, filling, fire protection, standards, laws, advice, arguments, project-related suitability.

Target group

Energy consultants, architects, planners, engineers, craftsmen


  • 100 screen pages plus exercises, in-depth exercises, media and tools
  • The processing time is about one working day, with free time management
  • After completing the learning module, a final test serves as proof of training

Price advantages for multiple licences

Quantity Discount (%) Price
1 - 189,00 
2 - 4 3 % 183,33 
5 - 9 5 % 179,55 
10 - 24 10 % 170,10 
25 - 49 12.5 % 165,38 
50 - 74 15 % 160,65 
75 - 99 17.5 % 155,93 
100 - 499 20 % 151,20 
500 - 999 22.5 % 146,48 
1,000+ 25 % 141,75 