Course content
The future belongs entirely to heat pumps, which can heat almost any building with renewable energy. They not only enable the climate neutrality of the building sector.
By serving the grid, heat pumps can stabilise the energy system and give building owners more independence. The heat pump can also provide cooling in summer.
Find out how the technology works, what variants there are and what you need to bear in mind in practice in this exciting learning module, which imparts knowledge in a multimedia and interactive way.
In addition to the learning purpose, this learning module also supports you in the consultation with your customers, as the relevant points relating to heat pumps are presented for all stages of the energy consultation.
In-depth information such as guides, videos and checklists are always directly available via the "Media" tab. You can also find answers to the most frequently asked questions from your customers in the "FAQ" tab. A separate excursus deals with the topic of "Heat pumps and photovoltaics". This means that nothing stands in the way of successful energy consulting with heat pumps!
The German Energy Agency (dena) recognises the learning module "Heat pumps in energy consulting" with 6 UE (teaching units).

Heat pumps in energy consulting (6 UE)
189,00 €
incl. 19% VAT
Learning objectives
The following learning objectives are to be achieved with this learning module:
- Knowledge of the importance of heat pumps for climate neutrality in the building sector
- Ability to describe how a heat pump works
- Knowledge of the variety and areas of application of heat pumps
- Knowledge of the possibilities for improving the efficiency of heat pumps
- Ability to include all heat pump-relevant points in the energy consultation
- Knowledge of aids for energy consulting
Market situation, political developments, economic efficiency, subsidies, history of the heat pump, function, refrigerants, heat sources, sound insulation, authorisations, heat transfer, construction types and operating modes, hot water, cooling, energy consulting, inventory, suitability of buildings, design, efficiency, operation and maintenance, example projects, heat pumps and photovoltaics.
Target group
Energy consultants, architects, planners, engineers, craftsmen
- Over 100 screen pages plus exercises, in-depth exercises, media and tools
- The processing time is about one working day, with free time management
- After completing the learning module, a final test serves as proof of training